The Club represents many countries and many creeds and is open to all women who support the mission of CFUW to strive to promote equality, social justice, fellowship, and life-long learning for women and girls.
Established in 1910, CFUW-Ottawa (Canadian Federation of University Women-Ottawa), is an voluntary, self-funded, non-partisan, non-profit organization of almost 500 women.
We are also part of Graduate Women International (GWI), formerly International Federation of University Women (IFUW) - a network of women that is active in more than 60 countries around the world and also celebrated it's centenary in 2019. Canada, along with the United States and Britain, was a founding member of GWI.
- We have over 40 Interest Groups focusing on topics from language, music and the arts to gourmet cooking, literature and sports, that are enjoyed by members.
- Our Scholarship Trust Fund annually disburses over 40 scholarships and awards.
We study issues, develop policy resolutions and advocate on social issues particularly those concerning the status of women, human rights, education and legislation relating to peace, justice and the environment.
The Capital Carillon, a monthly newsletter available online, provides current information on Club activities.