On October 20 CFUW National released the results of the vote by CFUW clubs on the proposed amended GWI proposed fee increase. Click here for letter from Grace Hollet.
On October 31, 2017 GWI released the official results of the online vote of October 23-24, 2017. Click here for the letter from the GWI Board and the vote results.
Important information regarding the number of eligible GWI votes:
Eligible to vote were 33 NFAs and 7 members of the GWI Board.
The weighted votes per NFA is: CFUW (10 votes) , Turkey (6), Switzerland (4), India (4), Australia (3), New Zealand (3), Japan (3), Ireland (2), Austria (2), Britain (2), Nigeria (2). This totals at 41 votes, The other 22 NFAs had one vote each. This calculates at 41 + 22 or 63 votes and when added to the 7 GWI Board votes gives a possible 70 votes. The results show 69 votes cast.