February 21, 2018
President’s Message
Greetings from your CFUW National Board! As you prepare to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th and generally continue with your very rewarding Club programs I wish to draw your attention to several items of CFUW business of importance to all of us.
1. Nominations for National President, National Board, and Regional Directors: Nominations are continuing to be forwarded to the Nominations chair Wilma Clapham (claphamwilma@bell.net). Please note that this process ends on February 28, 2018. All nominations must be received by Wilma Clapham, by 12, midnight Eastern Standard time, February 28th in order to be processed by the Nominations Committee and listed on the website. The nomination forms and the nomination process can be found at the following links. Any additional nominations from Clubs will be presented from the floor at the 2018 AGM.
2. Financial Motions
Two financial motions have been received for AGM 2018 being held on June 23rd. Your consideration of those along with your Club’s study of the proposed Resolutions and proposed By Law changes will be part of your initial preparation for AGM 2018.
- CFUW Dues Increase Motion: The motion from the Finance Committee to the Board is for a per capita increase of $11.00 to be considered at AGM 2018. The Board is forwarding this motion to Clubs for your study as you prepare for the AGM. We ask you to read carefully the background information prepared by the Finance Committee.
- CFUW Winnipeg Motion: A financial motion for AGM 2018 has been received from CFUW Winnipeg. This motion deals with differentiated CFUW dues for members who wish or do not wish to pay GWI dues. The Club has prepared background information for your consideration.
3. Voluntary Payment of the GWI Dues Increase:
Voluntary payments of the GWI $8.40 dues increase have started to arrive at National Office. Although the deadline is not until April 30th payments may be sent in at any time before April 30th to be processed. Some Clubs are collecting from individual members, others had already raised their fees in anticipation of a dues increase and plan to use some of that money, while others are planning to use excess Club funds. Those decisions are, of course, the prerogative of individual Clubs.
4. AGM 2018
Preparations for the first CFUW electronic AGM on June 23rd are progressing. A series of advisories will be forwarded to Clubs to help you with your planning for full participation in this AGM. We are able to set up for the AGM at National Office and plan a morning and afternoon session of two hours each. If extra time is needed we can take a short break and resume for an additional 30 minutes or so.
If you have questions or comments on any of those four items please direct them to Robin Jackson who will respond or refer them to the appropriate Board or Staff person for a response.
Best wishes,

Grace Hollett
CFUW National President - FCFDU Présidente nationale
The Power of Women Working Together
La puissance au féminin: ensemble pour réussir