Message from the President
September 24, 2018
President’s Message
Report on Board Decisions
I wish to thank all the members and clubs who have contacted the Board, or me personally, with your thoughts and concerns on many CFUW issues. The Board is considering these and other related issues carefully.
We are acutely aware of our role and duty in the sustainability of a strong and vibrant CFUW as well as the obligations we have to adhere to the hierarchy of applicable governing documents: the Canada Not-for Profit Corporations Act; CFUW Articles and Bylaws; Rules of Order—both Special Rules of Order (CFUW Administrative Policy and Procedure as recorded in administrative books 1 and 2) and those in our parliamentary authority Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR).
The Board has been conducting most meetings by conference call, normally meeting in person during an AGM only. Since this year’s AGM was electronic, the face-to-face meeting to give was held September 14-15. This gave Board members who will be working closely with each other over the next two years an opportunity to meet, to deal with CFUW business, and continue Board in-servicing. This message reports on decisions made at that meeting, at a follow up Special Meeting held by conference call September 21, as well as a related revenue generating decision of September 1.
In summary, these Board decisions are: to have a major membership drive; to form a CFUW/ GWI Negotiating Committee; to make an advance payment of 45000 Swiss Francs as partial payment of the 2019 collected GWI dues; and to form a Revenue Generating Committee,
Additional information on each item is provided below.
Item 1. Membership Campaign
The Board passed a motion from the VP Membership, Lynne Kent, on behalf of the Membership Committee “that CFUW undertake a 100th Anniversary Membership Recruitment Campaign”
This celebratory membership campaign will be the main focus of the Membership Committee this year as they strategize to increase membership by at least 500 by the end of 2019. This campaign aims to expand awareness of CFUW and publicize the value of membership in CFUW while adding a more diverse base to our current membership. The theme for the drive has a strong emphasis on CFUW’s 100thAnniversary. The Membership Committee is well into planning for this venture and will be contacting Clubs shortly. Everyone is encouraged to participate in bringing in more members! Click here to read more.
Item 2. CFUW /GWI Negotiation Committee
The Board realizes that among the membership there are varying opinions about the CFUW/GWI relationship. CFUW is, however, a member of GWI with membership obligations. We appreciate your patience as we plan for a comprehensive strategy to strengthen CFUW and as we embark on negotiations with GWI to bring resolution to the issues that exist between CFUW and GWI.
The Terms of Reference for CFUW’s committee have been approved by the CFUW Board. Both CFUW and GWI desire to resolve the situation. CFUW’s VP International, Joy Hurst, will officially notify GWI of the of the formation of the Negotiating Committee’s formation after you have been sent this update. It is hoped that matters will proceed favourably between the two parties. Click here to read the Terms of Reference for the Negotiating Committee.
Item 3. Payments to GWI
The following amended motion passed at the Special Board Meeting of September 21:
Motion “To pay the amount of CHF 45000, with the understanding that this is a partial payment of collected 2019 dues at the rate of 15.5 Swiss francs per member and that this will be communicated as such to GWI.”
The CHF 45000 will be paid from dues collected already from CFUW members for payment of the 2019 dues. This motion was made in good faith and will provide GWI some funding from a long-standing member NFA. We have made payments in advance at various times in the past. It is, however not a payment for the amount of CHF 39677 (Swiss Francs) on the GWI invoice for unpaid dues of 2018, an amount not approved for payment by the membership.
Item 4. Revenue Generating Committee
On September 1, an electronic vote was held to consider forming a Revenue Generating Committee. The motion from the Finance Committee passed and was ratified at the September 15 Board meeting. This initiative is designed to increase CFUW’s finances over and above the funds received through members’ dues. A successful Membership Drive noted in Item 1 above would increase revenue through dues from additional members. Click here to for information on the Revenue Generating Committee as presented in the motion.
Any additional details about the matters of this President’s Message will be reported at the Board meeting of October 4 and reported to you shortly afterwards. If you have questions please direct them to me at graceh@nl.rogers.com, or to Robin Jackson at cfuwed@rogers.com

Grace Hollett
CFUW National President - FCFDU Présidente nationale
Email: graceh@nl.rogers.com
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