Message from the President
November 9, 2018
Club Presidents are asked to please circulate this message to all Club members * Une version française sera publiée la semaine prochaine
I bring you greetings close to the commemoration of Armistice Day, a period when the world looked forward eagerly to an end to war, and women thought of organizations that could help forge a lasting peace. CFUW and GWI were both formed in the aftermath of World War I and continue to work for peace and enlightenment. When in Winnipeg recently, Sandy Millen and I dropped in at the café of Mennonite University after our outing with the UWC Winnipeg members and I picked up a pin with the caption "to remember is to work for peace”. Our members continue to work for peace.

CFUW’s 100th Anniversary AGM 2019 Winnipeg August 14-17
The official opening of the AGM will start at 5:00pm on Thursday August 15 followed by a day called Celebrating CFUW’s History and Future and culminating in the gala banquet on Friday night. The Business meeting agenda has been drafted and will start mid-afternoon on Friday and continue on Saturday, August 17 to complete all agenda items. with the adjournment scheduled for 4:00pm. I am pleased to announce that our Parliamentarian, Elizabeth Haynes has been appointed and is working with us.
Tours have been planned by the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) from Tuesday, August 13 to Sunday August 18. Details are being finalized at Winnipeg and will be posted on the website. If you haven’t decided about attending yet, check out the Museum of Human Rights and that may convince you to come to Winnipeg!
Additionally, the Board, Regional Directors and Standing Committee Chairs who are not on the Board will meet on Wednesday evening August 14 and all morning and early afternoon of Thursday August 15.
A Special event is being planned for the Notable Women on Thursday prior to the official opening. A lunch meeting for Club Presidents, will be held on Friday and the Charitable Trust breakfast will be on Saturday. Watch for information on the Boutique! Check here for AGM 2019 information.
Inviting Clubs to host AGM 2020
CFUW is looking for a Club to host the 2020 AGM and Conference!
At the Board meeting on November 6,it was decided that CFUW will hold a face-to-face meeting on years which start a new biennium which is when Board and RD elections are held. To set up this sequence we will have a face-to face AGM and Conference in 2020 and every second year from then. Electronic AGMs will be held in the alternate years. (Face-to-face in 2020, 2022, 2024 etc. and electronic in 2021, 2023, 2025 etc.). This year we have a face-to-face 100th Anniversary AGM.
Additional details may be obtained from Robin Jackson: cfuwed@rogers.com.
CFUW 100th Anniversary Sage Awards: A local Club Award
On the recommendation of the 100th Anniversary Committee the Board passed a motion setting up a SAGE award to be given by each Club to the current member of that Club who has the longest period of CFUW membership. These women will be honoured with a silver pin and certificate from National Office to be presented locally by the individual participating Clubs.
To calculate a member’s length of service with CFUW, the length of time she has been a member of her current home Club and any other Clubs in which she has been a member are added. Periods of dual membership are counted once only. The recipient must be a current member. The membership time does not have to be continuous, i.e. there may be years when she was not a member so those years are not included in the calculation of total years. Information on the awards will be part of the toolkit which is being prepared for the 100th Anniversary for distribution to Clubs.
A message from the Finance Committee begins “One of the most difficult concepts to understand in accounting is any item in the “equity” or “net asset” section of an organization’s balance sheet, also known as the Statement of Financial Position. Although the “net assets” reported on April 30, 2018 audited statements (copied below) are $520,378, CFUW’s financial position is precarious and another $70,000 is needed to stabilize the financial outlook”
Thank you to the Finance Committee for preparing a paper explaining net assets and reserves in plain language. Please click here to access the paper.
If after reading the paper you have questions relating to this please direct them to Robin Jackson.
The financial report “Actuals to Budget” was received by the Board and is being posted to the website. It shows that income and expenses are as expected for this time in the fiscal year.

CFUW delegates to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW63)
CFUW has announced the names of the 20 members who applied and have been selected to attend as CFUW delegates in March 2019 at New York. I appreciate that in addition to the VP International and the President who receive some funding in carrying out their duties at the UNCSW, 18 members are self-funded for this event. The theme is Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. The review theme is Women’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development. As ambassadors for CFUW, the delegation will network with other Canadians and women from all over the world, particularly our international partners; will explore multinational policy development, innovations, and best practices related to services for women.
CFUW has prepared a written statement called “Promoting Gender Equality through Quality Public Education Systems and Services”. The statement focuses on tackling the systemic barriers in accessing education for women and girls and ensuring safe and non-discriminatory learning environments. Click here to read the full statement.
Negotiating Team
The CFUW Negotiating team is progressing with its mandate, has done some research, and very soon will be presenting a negotiating package to the CFUW Board. Both sides, GWI and CFUW, have exchanged their Terms of Reference and the names of the members of each team and look forward to working amicably towards a solution to our differences.
GWI Triennial
At the July 2019 GWI Triennial, themed Peace Through Education, two women from each NFA will be acknowledged as having made noteworthy contributions towards the mission and vision of IFUW/GWI. The International Relations Committee recommended and the Board approved two members Linda Souter and Phyllis Scott. You may read about those outstanding women in the Past Presidents’ Biographies.
Visits to Clubs this Fall
My visits to Clubs continues with so far this fall having met with Atlantic Clubs in Wolfville, followed by visits with Janet Wilwerth to Pictou, Charlottetown, Moncton, Halifax and Dartmouth. In Ontario, I met with representatives of the 13 Ontario North Clubs and their Regional Director at a Talk it out workshop in Toronto. In Winnipeg I met with four groups of UWC Winnipeg in addition to meetings with LAC Chair Sandy Millen, and a tour of Winnipeg and the Fort Gary with Patricia and Howard Elliot as we checked out some of the sites where the LAC will be arranging tours. Belleville was a delightful visit , and next weekend I will be in Quebec attending the Quebec council followed by a train ride to Ottawa for the Child Care Lobby and visits to events at the Clubs of Ottawa, Nepean and Kanata. Thankfully my travelling office (laptop and cell phone) accompany me!
Best wishes to all,

National President