Hally Siddons once again had the privilege to attend the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in New York, this year as a member of the CFUW Delegation. The seventeen member delegation was ably led by Joy Hurst, VP International Relations, working with Grace Hollett, CFUW National President. The CFUW delegates came from across the country. Nothing seems to prepare one for the hectic pace and breadth of the week but each day was truly new and exciting. Click here to read Hally's full report.
A video of Hally Siddons of CFUW-Ottawa presenting the CFUW Oral Statement on behalf of National President Grace Hollet is attached. The video cannot be viewed directly from this link however the audio can be heard. To hear the audio, click here. To see the video as well, you should immediately pause the audio, click on the three dots on the right side of the audio control bar, click download, and when the video has downloaded click on it to both see and hear the video.