May 23, 2019
Grace Hollett, CFUW National President
(Club Presidents please forward to all members.)
Topic: A New Opportunity; The Newly formed CFUW Canada GWI Club
Sometimes a new structure is needed in order to achieve goals. In strategizing on how to manage CFUW’s membership in GWI and help heal the divide that exists over GWI membership, the CFUW Negotiating Team brought to the Board meeting of April 11th a proposal to establish a Club to provide a platform for members who wish to actively support, collaborate with, and raise the visibility of GWI within CFUW. Those members would build a new relationship with GWI for the next decades.
The Negotiating team worked with a committee headed by our Parliamentarian, Elizabeth Haynes, and subsequently a subcommittee of Joy Hurst, Elizabeth Haynes and I, evaluated alternate forums and concluded that a virtual Club structure would work best. Meanwhile another subcommittee of current and past By-law chairs drafted bylaws that conform with the CFUW bylaws, the Canadian Not-For-Profit Corporations Act and the Ontario Corporations Act. The ten charter members of this new Club have chosen to make the new club their primary club and continue as dual members of their local clubs. The CFUW club naming convention prescribed in the CFUW bylaws requires new clubs to adopt a name that conforms to CFUW (geographic location), therefore the new club has adopted CFUW Canada GWI as its name. At the May 9th Board meeting the new Club was granted its charter.
The purpose of the CFUW Canada GWI is to raise GWI’s visibility within CFUW and support CFUW’s efforts to work collaboratively with GWI. It will operate regardless of the outcome at AGM 2019 of the Winnipeg motion to accept GWI per capita dues only from members who wish to support GWI.
You are referred to the one-pager below which gives additional details.

During my recent visits to Councils and Clubs across Canada, negotiations were discussed in general and the formation of the new Club was introduced. Questions raised then and later, together with our responses, are being presented in the FAQ which follows. If you have additional questions or general inquiries please forward to
New Club: New Opportunity
1. Q. Is this creating a separate organization for GWI Supporters?
A. No. CFUW Canada GWI is a chartered club of CFUW, like any other club. It will operate much like local clubs do. It may create hubs, interest groups and/or study groups or undertake club initiatives focused either on CFUW or GWI.
2. Q. What is the purpose of CFUW Canada GWI?
A. Members of CFUW Canada GWI share an interest in the activities and programs of GWI. CFUW
Canada GWI provides an opportunity to become actively involved with CFUW members across the country who share this interest.
3. Q: Will the home club be involved in any GWI votes?
A. Yes, as they are now.
4. Q: What if someone supports GWI but does not want to join CFUW Canada GWI?
A. There is no requirement to join CFUW Canada GWI. Members of CFUW can continue to pay their GWI component of CFUW dues in the clubs they currently belong to.
5. Q: What is the structure of the club.
A. CFUW Canada GWI is comprised of members who pay their CFUW dues through the club (primary members) and members who pay their CFUW dues through another club (dual members). Members’ rights are the same for primary and dual members. All members of the club have an equal voice on matters brought to the floor of club meetings. Voting allocation at CFUW meetings (AGM or Special General Meetings) is based on the number of primary members—one for each 25 members or major portion thereof up to 200 members; one for each
50 members thereafter. Club leadership is through a non-traditional board—a 5-member planning committee. Positions on the planning committee are: CFUW/GWI Liaison, Membership Coordinator, Treasurer, Communications Coordinator and Member-at-Large.
6. Q: How will CFUW Canada GWI handle dues.
A. In most clubs, dues have several components such as CFUW dues, Provincial Council dues, Club dues and contributions to club scholarship funds. CFUW Canada GWI dues have 3 components: Club dues, GWI dues as established by GWI, and CFUW dues (the CFUW rate minus the amount allocated for GWI dues in the national budget). Primary members will pay all 3 components.
Dual members will pay the club dues and a top-up between what CFUW collects for GWI and the actual GWI per capita amount.
7. Q: If I am a primary member of CFUW Canada GWI and a dual member at a local club, will my local club receive any dues?
A. You will pay your local club its local dues and any other club levies (e.g. provincial dues, scholarship donations).
8. Q: How will any votes concerning GWI matters work?
A. There is no change to voting allocations on any matters brought before the CFUW membership.
Each club is allocated 1 vote for each 25 primary members up to 200 and 1 vote for each 50 primary members thereafter.
CFUW Canada GWI May 17, 2019
Upcoming Club Events
Coming soon is an electronic Meet and Greet session to get to know some other NFAs who are members of GWI. To join the CFUW Canada GWI Club please contact
Grace Hollett

National President-Presidénte Nationale